Wednesday, August 24, 2011

4 Years ago today...

...was a Friday. James and I had been dating for three and a half months.

I had a bit of a bad day. I can't remember a thing about it, other than the fact that I was feeling cranky when James came to pick me up. We were going to Jonny and Jessima's for a Korean dinner with a Korean investigator and Jimmi & Anita. I had organised it with Jonny that week.

We drove through Woodridge on the way to their place, and James pulled into Mabel Park on Paradise Road, and got out. He said he just wanted to chill out and talk to me for a few minutes, catch up on my day and calm me down before we went to Jonny and Jessima's for dinner. I was too scared (at Woodridge) to go to the playground or anything, so we just talked by the car for a few minutes. James commented a few times that he was thirsty. He opened my door and as I got into the car he asked me to pass him his water bottle from the glove box.

I opened the glove box and there it was: A beautiful, sparkling diamond ring in it's open box.

I of course, didn't notice it as I grabbed it out with everything else in my diligent search for his water bottle.

I put it all back as I told James that it wasn't in there, and it was only when I'd replaced the ring that I realised what it was. My stomach and my jaw hit the ground and I turned to see James kneeling on one knee, in the Mabel Park carpark. "Abby Munro, will you marry me?" he asked. I couldn't believe it! I really wanted to say yes but didn't 100% know if it was right yet. I had prayed about it a bit, but not in earnest - I was not expecting him to propose for at least another couple of months...! So I just hugged him screaming 'Oh my goodness! You're proposing!' and trying to buy time. Finally he said 'You just have to answer! - Yes or no? Please tell me!' so I took a deep breath and said 'YES!!' ... and here we are :)

The Tuesday night before this we were making time capsules in Young Womens, and we had had to write 'My dream proposal'. I had written 'A complete surprise'. So despite the fact that James had a rather more elaborate and technically more romantic evening planned before I hit him with the news that we were going to a Korean dinner that night, he managed my dream proposal perfectly :) And now our kids can go play where we got engaged!! :)

Beth took some engagement photos of us there too :)

We have had tons of good times!

And now we're no longer just a couple - we're a little family! :) It's the funnest thing ever :)

So I'm really glad that 4 years ago today James asked me a question he hoped he knew the answer to, and I'm so glad I answered right!! :) Happy Anniversary of Our Engagement James!! ;) xo


Jess said...

Awwwww . . . what a sweet post. It is actually hard to think back to the days without kids, let alone the single days. Your family definitely looks more 'complete' with your gorgeous girls. Hopefully the next one will be a boy :)
Thanks for babysitting for me today - BIG help :)

Love Jessima

Just ME said...

Wow! What a proposal! This may be a stupid question but.... I want to know if you still went to dinner with Jessima and Jonny?? I couldn't imagine having to chat to an investigator after just getting engaged!
It's so fun to look back on those lovely moments and relive them again. And what a gorgeous family you now have! x

Tammy Lorna said...

Happy 4 years engagemnt anniversary! :) We're all glad you said 'yes' too.

And pretty cool that your girls can play where you got engaged... just, not at night... okay?


xoxo Tammy

Bec said...

Dang it! I thought I'd commented on this yesterday! :)
You and James look so young in the photos pre-Maggie and -Ana :)
Michael and I often wonder to each other what on earth we did to fill our time before we got Molly...isnt it amazing how much your lives change when you have 'additions' to your family! :)

Abby said...

Bev you are not going to believe this, but after I said 'yes' one of the first things James said was 'Okay we have to go we're really late for dinner', and I thought "what?!!!" - surely he'd cancelled it, but no, after another detour home again to tell Mum the good news and James' mum as well, we were off to the dinner. And it was very surreal sitting there thinking 'Um, we just got engaged...'! lol!! If I could go back it's the one thing I would change. I would say 'NO! :)

Beth and Robbie said...

Aw, so cute! I remember that night. Tammy and I had gone to the movies and we had missed calls from you when we came out. So Tam called you back and you told us you were engaged and I screamed and started to cry! Haha.
Well I'm very glad these four years haved been so wonderful for you guys.
You have the most beautiful family :) xoxx

Sandy M. said...

Um - I just read the comment I wrote, and just to clarify, the 'NO!' I would be saying, would be to the dinner. I would still have said 'YES!' to the engagement!! ;) xo

Just ME said...

Hahaha that's too funny!
You get extra points to getting through the dinner when there were far more interesting thoughts running through your head!!

Chelle said...

Nawww i have a few little happy tears. you are such a wodnerful couple, your love just shines onto everyone around you. I love being your friend!!!

Sandy M. said...

Happy four years engagement anniversary! :)
Good choice; good choice :)
(I remember sitting at the study desk as you walked into the room with a very big smile and a totally panicked expression on your face! You were mouthing something along the lines of 'what should I do??' I was always pretty sure that this would be a great thing for you, and almost four years on, we are so happy to see your beautifully happy family and marriage :)
Good choice! :)