Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm soooo tired!!!

For the sake of the privacy of my lovely class I can't really tell you much of what's been going on at school, but I'm sooooooooooooooo tiiiiiired!!! :) Yesterday was a very crazy and a little disheartening and sad day!

Didn't go on strike today. I am so grateful to have such a well-paying job when so many people all around me are losing their jobs. It is a pretty innapropriate time to be rallying for a pay rise when people need whatever money can be spared sooo much more than us well-paid lot! It is a little sad that we're behind other states, but not THAT sad! If I have a serious issue with it I'll move interstate - the pay rate is public, so you know what it is before you get into it. That's my banner lol :) I just babysat the few kids who turned up to school, sorted out issues from yesterday (seerious issues - sad!), and caught up on a lot of marking and planning.

I wonder how tomorow will go!

Goodnight, I'm going to go to sleep on the couch watching a DVD while I wait for James to finish rugby training :) xo


Sandy M. said...

I applaud your attitude Blossom! I'm proud of what a good job you are doing at school and with your life. I hope tomorrow is going great :)!

Sandy M. said...

Abs, Just wanted to say hi! and I love you.

Kaili Ittensohn said...

I admire your positivity and the gratitude you have for our blessings Abby :)

Tammy Lorna said...

Hey, isn't this where abby used to write blog entries? I'm almost sure it is!


So I decided to come back to cyber space :) I've left comments on all the posts I hadn't commented on yet (it's taking me ALL night to do this for all of my blog pals!)

hope you're feeling better soon.
xo Tammy