Monday, December 24, 2012

Breach Baby Boy! :S

Went for a scan last week to check the growth of baby boy - they were worried that maybe he wasn't growing fast enough again, like Ana.

Good news:  Growth is great!! He is much bigger than either of the girls at this age.  Doesn't sound great to me in terms of birthing him, but great in terms of he's healthy and strong!! - And apparently I have a 'juicy, fat' placenta going in there, so that's good too lol :)

But the doctor at the hospital called me this morning to tell me that baby is breach - which we'd noticed during the scan, and been a bit worried about!  She said baby might still flip on its own until about 37 weeks, at which point he'll be too big.  I'm 36 weeks and 1 day today.  I have an appointment next week, and they're going to scan me at that appointment, to confirm baby's position.  If he hasn't flipped into birth position by then, they'll book me in for some very long-named procedure through which they try to externally get the baby to flip, 'so that they don't have to give me a caesarean'...  I'm completely terrified and anxious.  Maggie's posterior birth was hell, and I'm desperate to have this baby naturally - please baby just get into position!! The doctor also said (in response to my slightly edgy query) that there's nothing I can really do to flip the baby.  She said all the spinning babies and sitting forward stuff is great for posterior babies, but we don't need the baby to spin a little - we need it to do a complete somersault...  Mum said she had a couple of us breach, and people used to all the time and it was fine, but apparently it's higher risk with the cord and stuff so they don't really let you deliver naturally with a breach these days.

I'm a little upset cause baby boy was beautifully in position a few weeks ago - the midwives and doctors were saying he might come early, because his head was so low in the birth canal and he was was all ready to go!!  So why did he flip?!  The ultrasound lady (who has a teenage son who's causing her a lot of grief right now!) said "It's a boy! - This is just the beginning!" :)  Which made us laugh :)  But come on baby, flip back!!

So if you feel like praying for us to have a right-way-down baby, please do!! I would really like him to flip, or that very long-named procedure to come through, so that I can have him naturally!  I can't wait until he's here!  Pregnancy and childbirth continue to completely terrify me!

1 comment:

Beth and Robbie said...

SO happy he flipped for you!! Can't WAIT to meet him!!
Which will be really soon because you're in labour at the moment!!! Woohoo :) xoxo