But you really, really, really want the $420 version (sigh).
Oh, and you're not rich.
But you're okay, and you could sort of manage to get it, but it would mean obviously cutting out other things that may be a lot more important.. (sigh).
But it's a really good one, and will last forever, and goodness knows you'll use it!!
I want a Storksak Elizabeth (sigh)...
If you've ever been really nappy bag shopping, you'll know what I'm talking about. The rest of you will just think I'm a bit obsessed with an over-expensive handbag.
With Maggie we had a big, very cute bag to be a nappy bag, but our plan is to pop out a bunch more children over the next 10 years or so, and I want a nice nappy bag, that can double as my handbag, that's got all the pockets so I have a place for all of the nappy stuff and never lose anything in it like I did all the time with our other bag, that can go over the bars of our pram so I can stop shoving it in the bottom tray.
I have done a lot of research, and the bag that continues to pop up in my searches is the Storksak Elizabeth.
It comes in many colours, but my favourites are..
The chocolate brown:


Or 'Lizard'.

The chocolate is on sale on one website for $350, so I was definitely leaning towards it. I can't find the tan any cheaper than $420. The lizard is their latest, and RRP's for $470, so I was not even interested in it, but I found a brand new one on ebay last week that goes off this Wednesday night, that's $265 at the moment, so it went on my shortlist.
They're all leather, apparently they last forever and age beautifully, and all the reviews say they LOVE that they never lose anything in it - awesome :) AND that they look like a handbag :)
Mum's always bought me beautiful, good quality handbags growing up, maybe I'm just spoilt in the handbag department, but I kind of miss it.
James thinks I should go for it and buy one already, and I find myself thinking 'Yeah! It'll be totally useful, it's awesome!! But then I get a strong guilt complex thinking about spending hundreds of dollars on a bag (hard to imagine lol).
Anyway, I just thought I'd share my woes with the world/the maybe 2 and a half people who ever look at this blog.
haha, I look at this blog :)
The handbag does look really nice, but me personally I couldn't ever spend that much. Maybe you could look for a big leather bag in a bag shop that doesn't have the title 'nappy bag' attached to it? Maybe you could find something very similar without the price tag? Just a thought!
Hopefully the twins call will get here today and we will see you tonight!
love you!
I prefer the tan, but after that the truffle :)
There are things that we really need, and sometimes things that we just want. I don't think there is too much doubt about which category this one falls into. Is there..? (Perhaps there is :)
Anyway, there is nothing wrong with the 'things we just want' category, as long as things in the 'need' group are being covered first! :) And if they are, then sometimes, why not? :)
I love you too :)
I found the tan one for the bargain price of...(drumroll)... $369.95. This is where I found it:
Hope that helps.
Love the bags - way cute! But yeah, way expensive :(
xo Tammy
have you ever looked at vanchi nappy bags?
they are very similar, trendy and less expensive... about $130-$180, but you can find them on ebay too.
google vanchi!
love ya!
I found another one! This time in chocolate. Here it is:
Found the same one for even cheaper at:
this time for only $299
h Abby I have had this same dream for about 6 years now!! Yes, they are beautiful and yes, it would make you happy:P I can't do it. For #3 I was determined to have at least one exclusive item for me/ baby just to indulgent but in the end couldn't justify the money. Hubby is still studying and it felt ridiculous to splurge when he works his butt off so we can scrape enough money together to clothe and feed everyone and pay bills on time. In the end I went to DFO and got a large handbag with 3 compartments very similar to the vanchi ones for $50 and it's great. Even gets compliments!
But you shouldn't worry about what other people think is a reasonable amount of money to spend on a bag.
One thought though.... I'm guessing despite it's high quality and gogeousness and functionality, it won't last the 10years you plan to haul it around everywhere - we all know the wear a nappy bag gets. Good Luck!! Your husband is supportive so if you do go ahead and buy it, enjoy it and DO NOT give yourself a hard time about it after doing so ;)
(sorry, I had to delete the first post because I left too many spelling mistakes.... I hate leaving entries riddled with spelling errors!)
Oh, just had an idea! Maybe you could suggest that family and friends donate to your nappy bag instead of buying the baby gifts? Are you having another girl?
Oh Abby - gorgeous!!!
I totally know where you are coming from.I was keen to get a nice bag this time round, and spent hours upon hours googling and searching, but I never actually found one i liked :( In the end I was so OVER it that I bought the Steelcraft bag for $50 (on sael from $79.95)It's functional and has pockets, but it's ugly. Kinda like a high school satchel i guess. And i still keep losing things in it?!?!?
I feel like such a dag hauling this massive bag around, Kate's got a nice one that looks like a handbag and it just looks so classy.
But yeah... expensive, but worth it?
If you go for it, i like the choco or the lizard :)
hahaha Abby - most of us mum's can understand your delimma!!!! My justification with all things baby have been - its an investment!!!! hehehehe. You're planning on having more babies so why not - whatever you feel comfortable with. And those bags are to DIE for! I'm sure you've seen Davina's - she LOVES it and it looks wonderful and functional and qaulity and all of that...Ystyn always made deals with me - if you promise to have 'x' amount of kids you can have....whatever it was! Hahahaha. Only semi serious of course. Good luck with your decision - money can be such a pain sometimes...xxx xxx xxx
I might be a bit late with my comments but Im gonna play the devils advocate and say GO FOR IT!!!! That is such a nice bag, wow, I want one now!! haha
You know sometimes I think we are happy to spend small amounts of money, which can add up quicker to larger amounts, instead of gettign something we really love. With things like this I just save for it. I reackon if you put away 30-50 bucks a week since the time you wanted the bag, you would have had it, lol thats what I do. :)
I think that it will last, and that things like leather bags and shoes are expensive cause they are made really well. Plus if yoiu needed to sell it in a year or two you would most likely get some decent money for it cause often these things hold their value. I bought a pair of beautiful leather boots when I was 17 for 400Euro, I know crazy, but I saved up for it and they are still here, 11 years later and in pretty good nic. I just looked after them! So if you have the money: GO FOR IT!!!! Or just save up and buy it as a after labour present for yourself!!
Sorry about the long post! :)
Abby - I saw the tan one this morning for $399!!! That's loads better than $420 right???? hehehhehe. Looks like its their standard price too and if you're one of their special members you get a $10 voucher for every $100 you spend? Or maybe they'll have a sale soon or something? We're expecting too so I (even after my 3 kids) am eyeing off one of these bags too? :)
So fill us in - have you decided?!?!?!? And it also proves another thing....... you have more than 1 1/2 readers!
I know that I am cutting in really late on this conversation, but I think that when it comes to baby stuff if you don't get what you really want at the start, you just end up buying a new one for each baby and wishing you had bought the good one in the first place (cause I am the expert with my one baby boy ;0). And I know people with storksacks...and they do really look great!!
Oh myy i so get you with this...iv been looking everywhere for a good baby bag that will last forever annnnnd also look like a normal hand bag!! Im in love with the Tan and Red one that iv see also! iv seen there other collection too im in love!!! <3 Hehe xo
I could tell why you really like these bags, despite the costly price tag. They’re elegantly fashionable and useful at the same time. It’s quite an investment, given the worth it could offer you -- both on the aesthetic and practical department. That being said, I think the expense will be worth it.
Dana Sullivan @ VANCHI
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